Monday January 17, 2011
WHO? ….. Wesley Berry Flowers
WHAT? ….. 1 dozen FREE roses
WHEN? ….. Monday, January 17, 2011
TIME? ….. Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
WHY? ….. To share with other in a gesture of good will and friendship
WHERE? …..
Detroit Downtown – 150 West Congress – Penobscot Building
Detroit Northwest – 15305 Schoolcraft – 2 blocks east of Greenfield
West Bloomfield – 6677 Orchard Lake Road – just south of Maple
Commerce – 2985 Haggerty Road – north of Pontiac Trail
There is one catch however. Wes Berry, the owner of Wesley Berry Flowers, wants everyone who takes a dozen roses to make a promise to keep one rose for themselves and give the others away to 11 different people. This is an opportunity to become acquainted with new people or to renew old friendships during Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
Wes hopes that during this time of economic hardship for many in our community that we will reach out to our neighbors and friends and let them know that we care about them. “We never know when we are going to need the help of our neighbors or from complete strangers.”
Wesley Berry Flowers is a family owned business that has been in operation in the Detroit area since 1946. # # #